
Melodiven im 2024 – “Die feine Unterhaltung”

Saturday 4. May 17:00 – Evang.-Ref. Kirche Weggis

Friday 10. May 20:00 – Kulturkreis Dielsdorf

Saturday 15. June 20:00 – Kleinbühne Chupferturm Schwyz

If there’s not quite enough money for a Gucci bag, the four golden voices and their pianist transform the trivial into noble and the ancient into surprising novelties – all within a blink of an eye.

And yes, you can book us on!

Charity Concert for Ukraine

Friday 14. June 19.30 – Kath. Kirche St. Otmar, St. Gallen

With Béatrice Rogger, Emanuel Rütsche, David Maze, Freizeitchörli Berneck, St. Otmar Musik, Gospelchor Centrum and many more, organized by Béatrice Rogger

Come fly with us – Tour 2024 – operated by Air Melodiven und Inflagranti Airlines

Sunday 23. June 19:00 – Westschöpfe Wettingen AG

Saturday 6. July 19:00 – Südpol Luzern (Grosser Saal der Musikschule)

Sunday 7. July 19:00  – Kirchgemeindehaus Höngg, Zürich

Saturday 14. September 19:00  – Gewürzmühle Zug

Friday 20. September 19:00  – Hotel Linde Heiden AR

Sunday 22. September 19:00 – Offene Kirche St. Gallen

A musically opulent trip – after the Xmas-program “Single Bells” the second joint venture of the Melodiven and the Quintetto Inflagranti.Tailored subtle and witty arrangements will delight our passengers, and all of that without an ecologial Footprint. Travel with us!

And yes, you can book us through either of our websites!

Church concerts as a soprano

Missa “Magnae Exspectationis” by J.C.F. Fischer as one of 4 soloists, the church choir and the Goldach Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Albert Knechtle.

Easter Sunday March 31 9.15 a.m. – Catholic Church Goldach

Sunday June 30, 10 a.m. – Church Festival Catholic Church Untereggen

Sunday August 25, 10 a.m. – Catholic Church Goldach

Additional entry

Die Melodiven

Four Concert singers and one pianist found each other in 2016 for this female quintet. In February 2023 I joined them as a singing pianist. Flawlessly and with musicality of the finest we interprete songs and Lieder of all styles. Five Divas in beautiful harmony – and without catfights. We explore the possibilities of sound, voice and choreography.

You’ll find all our useful information for research and bookings on our website We’re looking forward to make our music for you!